Dolphin Computer Access Ltd.

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Dolphin Large Print Keyboard – klawiatura powiększona

Dolphin Large Print Keyboard to klawiatura stworzona z myślą o użytkownikach programu SuperNova. Została ona wyposażona w 18 klawiszy szybkiego dostępu do najczęściej używanych funkcji.

Dolphin Publisher

Dolphin Publisher is the premier tool for creating professional DAISY digital talking books with human narrated or synthetic voices.

SuperNova Screen Reader (Hal)

Developed for blind computer users, Hal Screen Reader is a software screen reader that works by reading the screen interactively and communicating through a speech synthesiser or a refreshable Braille display. Hal Screen Reader has been developed for computer users who are blind and can be used at home, at work and in education.


EasyReader is an accessible software ebook reader, allowing users to read and listen to content through a combination of text, speech and images.