Create your perfect blend of magnifier, speech or screen reader to suit your unique sight requirements
Integrates a professional magnifier and an intelligent screen reader in one simple, supported solution
The best touchscreen magnification and speech for Windows
Reads aloud characters and words as you type, boosting confidence, accuracy and productivity
Natural voices read and describe documents, emails and web pages
Supports a wide range of Braille displays
Scan and read (OCR) your paper documents or inaccessible PDFs
Supports Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, tablet, laptop and desktop computers
Ideal for Organisations – Accommodate Every Visual Impairment
SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader is the preferred solution for organisations looking to deliver access for the full range of visual impairments from mild sight loss, through to blindness.
Empower your clients to choose their perfect blend of magnifier, speech or screen reader to suit their eye condition, matching their unique sight requirements.
Ensure your organisation is meeting its moral and legal accessibility obligations.
Avoid the hassle and costs associated with multiple screen access software products; SuperNova uniquely integrates all the capabilities of a professional magnifier and an intelligent screen reader in one simple, supported solution.
Perfect for Sight that Changes - Through the Day or Over Time
- If you have sight that varies through the day or is dependent on the task, SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader is flexible to adapt with you and your activity.
- Should your eye sight change over time, SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader will support you all the way; today and everyday - no matter what the future holds.
- Choose magnification; add speech as the need arises or to boost productivity. Or switch to magnifier and the full screen reader, with or without Braille, for ultimate access.
- Adjust the amount of magnification, speech and Braille as your sight varies or as you switch to tasks that require different attention to detail.
Crystal Clear ‘True Font’ Magnification
SuperNova's True Font technology looks beautifully smooth even on the largest displays. Magnify text and images from 1.2 all the way up to 64 times. And because everyone's eyesight is different, magnification comes in 28 sizes so you can find a perfect fit. Zoom in and out as much as you need with a touch of a key, spin of the mouse wheel or by clicking the handy buttons on screen.
8 Magnifier Views
8 magnifier views keep documents and apps in perspective. Show your magnification:
- Full screen
- Split screen (top, bottom, left or right magnified)
- Fixed window
- Movable magnifying glass
The rest of the screen shows the original size, unmagnified application, keeping the context clear. The magnifier view can be resized and repositioned so you can quickly and easily control where on screen the magnifier appears.
Never Lose Sight of the Action!
Automatic tracking magnifies the action so you can see what you are doing at all times. As you move your mouse pointer, type in text, or tab between links - magnifier follows seamlessly so you can always see where you are working.
Control the Magnifier with Simple Keystrokes
Jump to edges, corners or the centre of the original screen. You can save and restore your magnified position, or reserve a special hooked area to keep a close eye on the clock, document word count or spread sheet formula bar. And you can hide hooked areas with a hotkey so they only appear when you want them.
Smooth Panning
Ideal for unsteady hands or anyone who finds mouse movements difficult to follow. Simple keystrokes gently slide the magnifier: up, down, left or right. Press repeatedly to increase speed. When you want to stop simply release the keys.
Touchscreen Magnification
Tablets and touchscreen access with SuperNova is effortless:
- Use 1 finger to pan SuperNova’s magnifier around documents and apps
- Use 2 fingers to pinch and stretch, changing the amount of magnification in any app
- Use 3 fingers to tap and change the colours and find more magnifier options
SuperNova also includes a high contrast large print, onscreen keyboard which fits the screen width and lets you see what you’re typing.
Colour and Visual Highlights
24 Colour Schemes
Choose from 24 carefully designed colour schemes each designed to reduce glare and maximise your comfort while reading. Alter the appearance of colours on your screen, preserving your original document colours for printing. Or make your own scheme by adjusting brightness, contrast or colour tint. Colour Replace can swap colours to show only the shades you recognise, making reading web pages easy again.
High-Vis Mouse pointers
Mouse pointers which are easy to see but keep out your way. Choose from 4 popular mouse pointer colour schemes or create your own scheme to make the mouse pointer easy to see. You can set the pointer size independent of your magnification level so your text is never hidden by the mouse. With over 200 pointer images included, your mouse pointer has never been so flexible.
Highlight the Mouse, Cursor, Word and More

Highlighting shows your place at a glance. Distinctive shapes and colours draw attention to the mouse pointer, cursor, word, line, Windows focus and Dolphin Cursor so you or a sighted colleague or trainer can easily see where in your application you are working.
Highlighting is ideal for anyone who loses their place, or teaches or trainers wanting to see at a glance where students are working. Highlighting can be toggled off and on with a hotkey or click of a button.
Six carefully balanced highlighting schemes are included to draw attention to where the action is on screen. Make your own focus highlighting scheme selecting shape, colour, tint, size, when the highlight is shown and level of transparency.
Multiple Monitor Support
Get more done with multiple monitors. Magnify on one, two or as many displays as required. Multi-task with each magnified document on separate screens; project presentations original size to sighted audiences keeping speaker notes magnified on your laptop; work closely with a trainer or colleague who can follow a clone of your display, but at regular size.
Side by Side
Side by Side works with the Windows Extended Desktop to show each application magnified on a separate screen, so you never run out of desktop space. Designed for magnification users who need to keep track of simultaneous tasks. Keep an eye on incoming messages on one monitor, prepare your documents on a second, and have a web browser or spreadsheet opened on a third. The number of monitors and which applications go where is entirely up to you. Each application is tracked separately so you don't lose your place.
Mouse Buffer
Mouse Buffer means you don't lose your pointer when using applications Side by Side. SuperNova's unique mouse buffer means the pointer only moves on to a different screen when you insist. Switch monitors with a hotkey, or set your own resistance level to determine how hard you have to push the pointer against the edge to move it to the next screen. Magnified slide notes on a laptop that is also projecting unmagnified slides via a beamer to a white screen.
Cloning options are available for a variety of teaching, training or collaboration scenarios. Clone with Standard view shows an unmagnified copy of any application on a second screen so one user with partial sight can work seamlessly with another with full sight.