Teaching aids

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Kubarytm – brajlowska pomoc dydaktyczna do nauki matematyki

Kubarytm to pomoc dydaktyczna do nauki matematyki na pierwszym etapie edukacji, z zastosowaniem pisma brajla.

Talking calculator

Talking pocket calculator in Polish.

Nauka cyferek – tabliczki do nauki liczenia

Nauka cyferek to tabliczki z cyframi czarnodrukowymi i brajlowskimi, a także z elementami policzalnymi, przeznaczone do nauki liczenia w zabawowej formie.

Tabliczka brajlowska A4

Tabliczka brajlowska umożliwia zapisywanie informacji w brajlu. Znajduje zastosowanie wszędzie tam, gdzie nie ma dostępu do maszyny brajlowskiej.

Zestaw czterech kart do nauki brajla

Cztery duże, kolorowe, prostokątne, plastikowe karty, każda z sześcioma wciskanymi i wyciskanymi, okrągłymi, sprężynującymi punktami brajlowskimi, do nauki alfabetu Braille’a. Tak zaprojektowane karty umożliwiają tworzenie dowolnych, wypukłych liter lub znaków brajla sześciopunktowego. Podczas wciskania i wyciskania punkty brajlowskie wydają charakterystyczne trzaski.

Calculator Double Check

Double Check does not only provide the basic arithmetic operations, but also combines numerous other functions in one small and handy device!

Braille Learning and Sensory Play Mat Reach & Match®

Braille Learning and Sensory Play Mat Reach & Match® is an innovative educational set for children with normal sight as well as the visually impaired ones for domestic, school and preschool use. It contains tactile feedback forms which help to develop cognitive skill, body skill, motor skill, reading skill, communication and social skills.

Tactile globe

Tactile globe dedicated for blind people and – thanks to its colourful surface – the visually impaired. It depicts political division of the world. It allows distinguishing the outline of the continents, height above sea level, latitude and longitude. It is equipped with metal-wooden support. Scale: 1: 41 800 000

Braille cube keyring

A fun keyring that can be used to make the shapes of the braille characters. This small cube is attached to a keyring and can be used to make the shapes of braille characters

Braille Slate

Braille slate with stylus.

Light Box

It is an excellent board for visually impaired people helping them to get to know shapes, figures and colours. On the front page of the device there is a lighted board which enables to watch elements placed on it. Light Box may be used both in horizontal and vertical position.


ZyFuse Tactile Image Enhancer is a heater to protruding graphics on sheets of special swelling paper. In comparison with other devices of this type Zy–Fuse carries out its task more precisely and in a shorter time.